
The Administration Department

The Administration Department which is headed by the Chief Executive has the overall responsibility of exercising administrative and financial control on all departments. It has also the responsibility of coordinating the activities of the Council bearing in mind integrity, accountability and good corporate governance.


The responsibility to implement policy decisions taken by the Council rests solely with the Administration Department. The department is also responsible for monitoring the activities of the 18 Village Councils falling under the purview of the District Council of Pamplemousses.


The following sections fall under the jurisdiction of the Administration Department:


·       Human Resource Management Section


·       Internal Control Section


·       Information Technology Section

·       Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Section

The Finance Department

The Finance Department provides support to the administrative function by ensuring an adequate distribution of financial resources to allow the Council to achieve its objectives and implement its policies in an economic, efficient and effective manner.


The main functions of the Finance Department are, amongst others:

·        To collect all revenues accruing to the Council

·        To effect all payments for goods and services including salaries to Council’s employees

To prepare the yearly Budget Estimates and Financial Statements for submission to the Ministry of Local Government and the National Audit Office respectively

·        the procurement of goods and services for the Council

·        The overall financial administration of the Council including the provision of advice on financial policy and management and the establishment of proper accounting and financial controls.


 The Finance Department consists of the following sections: –

·        Income

·        Expenditure

·        Payroll

·        Stores/ Procurement




The Land Use and Planning Department is the Planning Authority for the area under its jurisdiction as per Section 6 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1954 (as subsequently amended).

Under Section 117 of the Local Government Act 2011 (as subsequently amended) the authority for execution and enforcement of the Building Control Act 2012 and Town and Country Planning Act shall be the Municipal City Council, Municipal Town Council or the District Council of the respective city, town or district where the relevant building, structure or tenement is to be found or where the land is to be developed.



The Public Health Department has an important role to play in the promotion of public health by the maintenance of a healthy environment and by providing certain protection against diseases. The responsibilities of the Department, as outlined under section 50(2) of the Local Government Act 2011, are as follows:

·       Provision of scavenging services and cleansing of roads and public places.

·       Cleansing of watercourses, drains and canals.

·       Organising clean-up, bulky waste and E-Waste Campaigns.

·       Provision of special clean-up in connection with Festivals, National Day Celebration, World Clean-up Day, Environment day.

·       Dealing with problems of wastelands.

·       Rodent Control in public places

·       Issuing of occasional licence.

·       Prosecution and attending court cases

·       Management of public markets and fairs.

·       Management and maintenance of cemeteries and Crematoria, cremation grounds.

·       Maintenance of traffic centers and public toilets.

·       Attending complaints from public, CSU and taking appropriate legal action, etc.




The main responsibilities of the Public Infrastructure Department are:


Ø   To effect regular maintenance of non-classified roads within the Council’s area.

Ø   Construction of new roads declared as public within the Council’s area.

Ø   Provision and maintenance of street lighting along motorways, classified and non classified roads as well as lighting of sports grounds and other Council’s buildings, and its assets inclusive of children playgrounds and leisure parks.

Ø   Maintenance of District Council buildings including Village Halls, Sports Grounds and Complexes, Children Playgrounds, Multi-purpose Halls, Public Markets, Cemeteries among  others.

Ø   Management and maintenance of Council’s fleet of vehicles.

Ø   To issue and keep record of fuel consumption.

Ø   Provision, fixing and maintenance of street and village name plates.

Ø   Construction and maintenance of drains along non-classified roads.

Ø   Supervision of building and civil engineering projects undertaken by in-house labour and outsource services.

Ø   Processing of Building and Land Use Permits.

Ø   Providing advice to the Council on engineering matters and the implementation and application of relevant legislations including the Roads Act, the Building Act, the Local

Ø   Government Act and other Acts.

Ø   Preparation, processing and implementation and monitoring of capital projects financed by the Government under the LD Programme.

Ø   Preparation of payment certificates, monitoring of budgets of Local Development Projects and ensure that projects are within earmarked budgets

Ø   Assist meetings, act upon decisions taken thereat. Local Disaster Committee, ICZM, Whole Council, NDU and many others.

Ø   Monitoring the budget/ estimates of the department and deal with financial issues.

Ø   Prepare and issue Service Order, works orders, Material Requisition, SRN, etc for projects, Purchases or other services.

Ø   Deal and compute arithmetic calculations.

Ø   Manage, administer and reply to all queries, correspondences–Roads, Drains, Infrastructure, Road Signs, Traffic Issues, etc.

Ø   Performing duties of the Human Resource Department – register, keep records, manage, approve and issue approvals for leaves of employees of the Public Infrastructure

Ø   Department.

Ø   Process requests of Passage benefits of its employees.



The Welfare Department is responsible for the organization of social, recreational, educational, sports and cultural activities.  It also manages the children playgrounds, sports infrastructures, social halls and pre primary school under the jurisdiction of The Council.

The Welfare Department is responsible for the organisation of social, recreational, educational, sports and other cultural activities for residents. 

The main activities of the department are:

§    Planning, organizing, supervising, budgeting and coordinating of all sports and welfare activities organized by the Council.

§     Coordinating activities at National Level such as National Day/Divali/ Christmas Celebrations, Eid Festival and other festivals.

§     Planning, organizing and participating in twinning programmes and activities with Le Salasie of Reunion Island with which the Council is twinned.

§     Collaborating with Village Councils, Sports Federations, “forces vives” and other ministries, NGOs and departments for the organizing of sports, cultural, literary, religious and other recreational activities.

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